

Index - NYMTC Contact

  1. About NYMTC
  2. NYMTC's Mission
  3. Public Involvement in the
    Transportation Planning Process
  4. Funding for Planning Activities
  5. NYMTC's Members
  6. Organization
  7. The Council's Three Major Products
  8. Other NYMTC Products

NYMTC’s Mission

o  To serve as the collaborative forum to address transportation-related issues from a regional perspective;

o  To facilitate informed decision-making within the Council by providing sound technical analyses;

o  To ensure the region is positioned to capture the maximum federal funds available to achieve the goals of the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and

o  To focus the collective planning activities of all Council members to achieve a shared regional vision.