

Index - NYMTC Contact

  1. About NYMTC
  2. NYMTC's Mission
  3. Public Involvement in the
    Transportation Planning Process
  4. Funding for Planning Activities
  5. NYMTC's Members
  6. Organization
  7. The Council's Three Major Products
  8. Other NYMTC Products

Funding for Planning Activities

Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) support the transportation planning activities of the Central Staff, the TCCs and the members.  These are contained in the Council’s Unified Planning Work Program.  New York State provides the required 20 percent local matching funds for the Central and TCC Staffs while the Subregional members provide the local matching funds for their programs.

The Council’s activities are carried out by NYMTC staff members--planners and engineers, analysts, Information Technology experts and support staff--from four locations, the Council’s central office and the three Transportation Coordinating Committee offices.